Growing Fresh Herbs Indoors & In Style

Grow your own herb garden indoors and do it in the most stylish way possible! All you need is a window for sunlight and a creative spirit!

Who says you need a lawn to grow fresh herbs? Many of us live in urban areas with access to little or no back yard. Have no fear! We are here to help with some fresh ideas! You can grow herbs indoors or on an apartment patio with hanging flower pots.

First, where do you use your fresh herbs the most? The kitchen, of course! We cook with herbs, make dressings, sauces, oils and more. Create easy access to the glorious flavors of our Blue Label Organic herbs with a hanging herb garden.

Let’s get to crafting!

Gather your supplies. Most can be found at your local craft store and hardware store. Your herbs are waiting with care at your local Calloway’s or Cornelius.

You will need the following:

  • 4 – 4” Blue Label Organic Herbs of your choice
  • Calloway’s Premium Potting Soil
  • 4 – 4” ceramic pots
  • 4-ply jute rope (length will depend on how low you want your plants to hang and how many pots you are hanging)
  • 4 rubber bands
  • An oak dowel rod (size and thickness will vary depending on your window size and if you are hanging these on a curtain bracket or across the tops of your cabinets)
  • 4 curtain rings
  • White spray paint
  • Metallic paint or an accent color of your choice
  • Foam paint brush

Now that we have everything we need. Let’s start painting our pots. Spray and cover each pot with the white spray paint. Make sure it dries completely before starting the next step.

Take the rubber band and place it where you want your accent color to start.

Use your foam paint brush and paint the accent color accordingly.

While the paint is drying, cut your rope into four 4.5’ strips. Tie each end of the jute rope with an overhand knot.

Wrap one end of the rope around a pot. Tuck the overhand knot underneath itself and tie another overhand knot with the existing knot. This will anchor the rope.

Place a piece of paper towel at the bottom of the pot to eliminate soil from coming out when water finally reaches the bottom of the pot.

Fill each pot with your herbs and potting soil.

Thread the dowel rod through the curtain rings and place on your curtain brackets or secure across your cabinets.

String the free end of the rope on each pot through the curtain ring and secure it to the opposite side of the pot with another overhand knot.

Now, step back and admire your beautiful work!

Want to learn more about growing your own herbs? Join us this Saturday from 10:15-11:00am at our Garden Series event about adding flavor to your garden with fresh organic herbs.