Chocolate Chip Ajuga

Chocolate Chip Ajuga is a short, evergreen perennial that has dark oval leaves with stunning blueish-violet blooms. This captivating groundcover can stand out in any container, garden, or flowerbed!

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Species: reptans

Other Species Names: Carpet Bugle

Plant Height: 4 in.

Spread: 18 in.

Evergreen: Yes

Plant Form: spreading

Emergent Foliage Color: brown

Summer Foliage Color: dark brown

Minimum Sunlight: shade

Maximum Sunlight: partial shade

A lovely addition to your garden, this variety of Ajuga will grow small, narrow brown foliage in the spring that turn dark brown for the rest of the year. Long spikes of bright flowers will rise above the foliage to bring an attractive look.

Chocolate Chip Ajuga’s enchanting foliage will remain low to the ground and will grow at an average rate. Its spike will grow a collection of small, blue purple flowers that can bring pollinators such as butterflies to your garden. With these distinct features, this will make a gorgeous addition to any landscape!

This groundcover will grow to be 4 inches tall, 6 inches with the flowers, and spread out to 18 inches wide, taking up minimal space in your garden! Ajuga does best in partial shade to shady areas. Remember to avoid over watering; this perennial will not tolerate standing water. This plant will need occasional maintenance. Prune when necessary and remove dead foliage. Apply fertilizer to see healthy foliage growth.